Mittwoch, Februar 07, 2024

Building a HIP environment from scratch

HIP is a C++-based, single-source programming language for writing GPU code. "Single-source" means that a single source file can contain both the "host code" which runs on the CPU and the "device code" which runs on the GPU. In a sense, HIP is "CUDA for AMD", except that HIP can actually target both AMD and Nvidia GPUs.

If you merely want to use HIP, your best bet is to look at the documentation and download pre-built packages. (By the way, the documentation calls itself "ROCm" because that's what AMD calls its overall compute platform. It includes HIP, OpenCL, and more.)

I like to dig deep, though, so I decided I want to build at least the user space parts myself to the point where I can build a simple HelloWorld using a Clang from upstream LLVM. It's all open-source, after all!

It's a bit tricky, though, in part because of the kind of bootstrapping problems you usually get when building toolchains: Running the compiler requires runtime libraries, at least by default, but building the runtime libraries requires a compiler. Luckily, it's not quite that difficult, though, because compiling the host libraries doesn't require a HIP-enabled compiler - any C++ compiler will do. And while the device libraries do require a HIP- (and OpenCL-)enabled compiler, it is possible to build code in a "freestanding" environment where runtime libraries aren't available.

What follows is pretty much just a list of steps with running commentary on what the individual pieces do, since I didn't find an equivalent recipe in the official documentation. Of course, by the time you read this, it may well be outdated. Good luck!

Components need to be installed, but installing into some arbitrary prefix inside your $HOME works just fine. Let's call it $HOME/prefix. All packages use CMake and can be built using invocations along the lines of:

ninja -C build install

In some cases, additional variables need to be set.

Step 1: clang and lld

We're going to need a compiler and linker, so let's get llvm/llvm-project and build it with Clang and LLD enabled: -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;lld' -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD='X86;AMDGPU'

Building LLVM is an art of its own which is luckily reasonably well documented, so I'm going to leave it at that.

Step 2: Those pesky cmake files

Build and install ROCm/rocm-cmake to avoid cryptic error messages down the road when building other components that use those CMake files without documenting the dependency clearly. Not rocket science, but man am I glad for GitHub's search function.

Step 3:

This is the lowest level user space host-side library in the ROCm stack. Its services, as far as I understand them, include setting up device queues and loading "code objects" (device ELF files). All communication with the kernel driver goes through here.

Notably though, this library does not know how to dispatch a kernel! In the ROCm world, the so-called Architected Queueing Language is used for that. An AQL queue is setup with the help of the kernel driver (and that does go through, and then a small ring buffer and a "door bell" associated with the queue are mapped into the application's virtual memory space. When the application wants to dispatch a kernel, it (or rather, a higher-level library like that it links against) writes an AQL packet into the ring buffer and "rings the door bell", which basically just means writing a new ring buffer head pointer to the door bell's address. The door bell virtual memory page is mapped to the device, so ringing the door bell causes a PCIe transaction (for us peasants; MI300A has slightly different details under the hood) which wakes up the GPU.

Anyway, comes in two parts for what I am being told are largely historical reasons:

The former is statically linked into the latter...

Step 4: It which must not be named

For Reasons(tm), there is a fork of LLVM in the ROCm ecosystem, ROCm/llvm-project. Using upstream LLVM for the compiler seems to be fine and is what I as a compiler developer obviously want to do. However, this fork has an amd directory with a bunch of pieces that we'll need. I believe there is a desire to upstream them, but also an unfortunate hesitation from the LLVM community to accept something so AMD-specific.

In any case, the required components can each be built individually against the upstream LLVM from step 1:

  • hipcc; this is a frontend for Clang which is supposed to be user-friendly, but at the cost of adding an abstraction layer. I want to look at the details under the hood, so I don't want to and don't have to use it; but some of the later components want it
  • device-libs; as the name says, these are libraries of device code. I'm actually not quite sure what the intended abstraction boundary is between this one and the HIP libraries from the next step. I think these ones are meant to be tied more closely to the compiler so that other libraries, like the HIP library below, don't have to use __builtin_amdgcn_* directly? Anyway, just keep on building...
  • comgr; the "code object manager". Provides a stable interface to LLVM, Clang, and LLD services, up to (as far as I understand it) invoking Clang to compile kernels at runtime. But it seems to have no direct connection to the code-related services in

That last one is annoying. It needs a -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

Worse, it has a fairly large interface with the C++ code of LLVM, which is famously not stable. In fact, at least during my little adventure, comgr wouldn't build as-is against the LLVM (and Clang and LLD) build that I got from step 1. I had to hack out a little bit of code in its symbolizer. I'm sure it's fine.

Step 5:

Finally, here comes the library that implements the host-side HIP API. It also provides a bunch of HIP-specific device-side functionality, mostly by leaning on the device-libs from the previous step.

It lives in ROCm/clr, which stands for either Compute Language Runtimes or Common Language Runtime. Who knows. Either one works for me. It's obviously for compute, and it's common because it also contains OpenCL support.

You also need ROCm/HIP at this point. I'm not quite sure why stuff is split up into so many repositories. Maybe ROCm/HIP is also used when targeting Nvidia GPUs with HIP, but ROCm/CLR isn't? Not a great justification in my opinion, but at least this is documented in the README.

CLR also needs a bunch of additional CMake options: -DCLR_BUILD_HIP=ON -DHIP_COMMON_DIR=${checkout of ROCm/HIP} -DHIPCC_BIN_DIR=$HOME/prefix/bin

Step 6: Compiling with Clang

We can now build simple HIP programs with our own Clang against our own HIP and ROCm libraries:

clang -x hip --offload-arch=gfx1100 --rocm-path=$HOME/prefix -rpath $HOME/prefix/lib -lstdc++ HelloWorld.cpp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/prefix/lib ./a.out

Neat, huh?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello, I'd like to ask, why not use rocm-llvm in this case and use upstream llvm?

    Are most things needed already upstreamed?

  2. My mistake, I commented when i haven't finished reading
    nice to know that the downstream components can be build seperately against upstream.
